My HNGi8 Manifesto

If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Perseverance is a very important trait. Grit is very key to success. I participated in the last iteration of the HNG internship and although I wasn’t to make it past stage 3 because of academic commitments, the information and experiences I got were invaluable.

This motivated me to join the ZuriTeam Training earlier this year. Link Here. I made it to the project phase and was honored to be a project team lead. That experience further broadened my perspective and taught me a lot of non-technical skills. Now, I feel better positioned to get to the finish line and collect that famed T-Shirt.

Preparation is key to success. In order, for one to accomplish the most, clearly defined goals must be set so that the path to the finish line is clear. This current HNG iteration is going to last 8 weeks and I am ready. Below, I’ve listed 8 goals I plan to accomplish, and hopefully, at the end of the 8 weeks, I’ll be able to give a report on how that went.

  1. Complete projects: In the past I’ve had ideas that have never seen the light of day or even some that were stopped halfway. Hopefully, During this internship, I will be able to finish a handful of relevant projects.

  2. Network Successfully: My regular mindset was normally to just do the work and submit the tasks and advance but what I learnt during the Zuri Training was that Together Everyone Achieves More.

  3. Brush Up on some concepts: There are a few technical concepts I’ve not completely grasped and I plan to leave this internship with that knowledge

  4. Be competitive: After all, it is somewhat a race to get to that finish line. However, my only opponent is myself.

  5. Make it as far as possible: Limits are meant to be pushed. That’s how competence is developed.

  6. Have fun: It’s not do or die. If it feels like just torture, stop. Or make it fun for yourself. :)

  7. Learn non-technical skills as well: Skills are transferable across disciplines. Most of the time, a high performer is able to perform at a high level across multiple fields because of these transferable skills.

  8. Stand out: Put yourself out there. What’s the worst that could happen?

On my sojourns around the internet, I’ve come across some random piece of information that has benefited me in that moment. So in case anyone actually sees this and is coincidentally curious about starting a journey in this space, here are some links to get you started. Good Luck

Intro to Figma: UI/UX - Introduction to Figma

Intro to HTML: Practical Introduction to HTML & CSS

Intro to Git: Git 01 - Introduction

Intro to NodeJS: NodeJS: Setting Up HTTP Server, A practical Approach.